[/media-credit] beginning of a horror story.

[/media-credit] the end of a horror story.

My mom and I recently went on a trip to Europe. We stayed in a tiny house in Vienna for the first week, so small that it only had one bed and a pull-out couch.

I stayed on the pull-out.

It opened up to the rest of the room, but wasn’t fully pushed against the wall on the other side. It had about a foot of space between the bed and the wall. It wasn’t the worst bed I’ve ever slept on.


I began to feel uneasy with every night that passed. Like something was…

Watching me.

On the third night of this happening, I was lying awake, when I got a sudden, clear image in my mind of a small girl with black hair, peering over the edge of the bed.

I couldn’t turn around. I was frozen, sick to my stomach, unable to even think. I eventually fell asleep, but the image didn’t go away.

The next night I slept with the lights on.

The next day we packed up to leave to Prague, and one of the last things I did was put the bed back into the couch.

And there, on the hardwood floor next to the bed, leading underneath the carpet…

Was a fresh pair of claw marks carved into the floor.

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Tegan Elliott

Tegan Elliott is a comic artist, a fiction writer, and a sushi enthusiast. They're pretty much addicted to drawing, from people to places to ridiculous situations. They are embedded in nearly every form of pop-culture, so watch what fictional character you decide to roast in front of them.

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