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Let’s be honest, everyone is stressed and feels anxiety once in a while. It’s a normal thing for a high school student. In a recent survey conducted in our school, one of the main things that caused stress were lack of sleep, school, and relationships. There are so many things that cause high school students stress and anxiety. Every person that did the survey said that they have at one time or another they have felt stressed and had anxiety. It’s common and normal for you to feel those things.

One way to relieve stress is to exercise, whether its going for a run, lifting, playing sports or going on a hike. Many OHS high school students said that exercise or being outside was a way they relieved anxiety and stress in their life.

Another thing you can do to help you become less stressed is talking with someone. Going and talking to a parent or friend, just going and hanging out with friends to forget about all the crazy things or to let your stresses out. One senior at OHS said, “Just ranting to a friend about the day or the things that are stressing me out helps a ton.”

One big self help tip to help you be less stressed is to sleep. High school students are supposed to get nine and a half hours of sleep to be able to perform to the best of their ability, but most if not close to all high school students rarely get over 8 hours of sleep. Get a good night’s rest, or if you didn’t, try and take a quick twenty minute nap to get yourself calmed down or to help you become more energized or awake.

Some ways you can calm yourself down and become less stressed while you’re in class is you can draw, get up and walk to the drinking fountain so you can take a quick break, write a to-do list, when you’re organized it helps you get those stresses out of the way. You can also learn some breathing techniques, the most basic one but also very helpful one is, you can inhale deeply through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth and then repeat for several minutes.

There are many ways to help minimize your stresses and anxieties as a high school students and I hope some of these ways do!

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Claire Oakeson

Hey everyone! My name’s Claire Oakeson. I'm a senior, like most peopletraveling with my family is one of my favorite things, it's always so fun to go explore new places all over. I love doing outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, driving up the canyon and going on adventures with my friends. I love getting out in nature, but I also love having movie nights and relaxing on my couch with a big blanket watching a funny movie. Writing is one of my passions and I hope you enjoy what you read!

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