On the evening of August 25th, 2017 one of the most disastrous hurricanes since Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Harvey, landed near Rockport, Texas. Over 30,000 people have been evacuated into shelters across Texas, according to The Washington Post.

The devastation caused by this hurricane has induced hundreds of people across the country to help those in need. Inspired by this movement, Melissa Johnson of Orem, Utah has stepped forward to support the cause.

“Every little bit matters” said Johnson. She was just one person who said she would help; imagine if all of Orem High would join together in the same cause. Johnson is collecting physical as well as monetary donations that are being shipped to hurricane victims.

The American Red Cross is now taking donations from Orem High to help the people who have been affected. Victims are in desperate need of the following items: water jugs, toilet paper, cleaning supplies (Clorox wipes, latex gloves, brooms, buckets, bleach, mops, soap, etc.),  and personal hygiene products.

An anonymous friend of Johnson’s, who has assisted in the total of five other natural disasters, says that any of these items collected by Orem High could change a life.

“Whatever you feel in your heart could help somebody, go do it,” says Johnson. This is Orem High’s chance to act. Take it.

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Carly Weiss

Carly Weiss is a senior this year at Orem High. She has loved to write ever since she was a little girl and is so excited to be fulfilling her childhood dream of being a part of OHS journalism!

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