
The marquee, a class gift from several years ago, shares important information

Orem High School has a marquee located in front of the school on 400 East. The main purpose of this marquee is to give people in the community a place to find information pertaining to the school. It lets people know about all the upcoming sports events, theater productions, vacations, school community council meetings, and other important school announcements. It also has the temperature, time, and date.

A few students were asked if they ever paid attention to the sign. Jessica Harris, a junior at Orem High said, “To be honest, only when we are outside for fitness and I’m hot.”  

Josh Byers, a senior at Orem High said, “Last year when I walked to seminary I would look at it, but I just drive this year, so I don’t look at it.”

From the point of view of a student, the only useful thing on the Orem High marquee is the temperature. Otherwise to students, the marquee seems useless, but what do parents and teachers think about the marquee?

Elaine Billings, the Orem High School administration secretary and woman that updates the marquee said, “I live pretty close to the school and people in my neighborhood talk to me about what is posted on the marquee all the time.”

Jan Jardine, a parent of two Orem High School students says, “I mostly look at the marquee to see the time and temperature, but sometimes I stop in the middle of my run to read the announcement and when I do I find very useful information.”  

The marquee hasn’t been working for the past month or so. “It’s really old and sometimes it can’t keep up with some of the higher tech computers.” Mrs. Billings said.

Hopefully the school can get the marquee fixed soon, so it can continue to provide important information to the people of the Orem community.

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Morgan Jardine

Morgan Jardine has found a love for writing over the past few years. She has especially loved gathering data for her articles. Other than writing Morgan loves to sing and spend time with little kids.

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