Q: What is your full name?

A: Michael Arnoldson

Q: How do you spend your free time?

A: Sleeping.

Q: What are you passionate about? Why?

A: Sports, because they’re fun.

Q: What makes you unique?

A: My winning personality.

Q: How would you describe yourself in two words?

A: “Good lookin’.” I just feel like those two words describe me perfectly.

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: Med school after a mission.

Q: What is a vivid memory or experience you’ll never forget?

A: When I was granted the honor of being a student spotlight.



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Brielle Whimpey

Brielle Whimpey is a junior at Orem High school. She has been on the Varsity cheer team since freshman year and on Orem dance company since her sophomore year. As she loves to cheer and dance she is also very passionate about being with friends and sleeping . She makes sure to try new things and have a good time but she also likes to stay organized and work hard.

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