Q: What is your full name?  What is the meaning behind your name?

A: Aleah Parrish. My mom thought it was pretty. 

Q: How do you spend your free time?

A: I have a lot of hobbies. My free time is either spent in front of a computer editing photos, out taking photos, lacrosse, music, movies, and time with friends. I love spending time with friends. 

Q: What are you passionate about? Why?

A: I have a passion about the power people yield in order to become closer, and the connection that ties people, and the unity behind friendship or connections. I believe that we are influenced so much by the people around us and that because we are influenced by those people it’s important to surround ourselves with people that uplift us.

Q: What makes you unique?

A: That my 12 year molars are still not fully grown in.

Q: What motivates you in life?

A: People. I love seeing people and friends. 

Q: How would you describe yourself in two words? Why those two?

A: Exuberant and spastic. Because my mom has said I’ve been exuberant ever since I was young and then spastic because you’ll never know what I’ll do next. 

Q: What is a vivid memory or experience you’ll never forget?

A: Locking myself in the washing machine. We were playing sardines and I was determined to get the best hiding spot.

Q: What is the strangest thing you’ve experienced in your life?

A: Probably getting locked in the washing machine. 

Q: What is your most embarrassing story?

A: One time I went on a date, and my card declined. Or the times I’ve fallen going up the stairs.  

Q: What teacher has had the biggest positive impact on your life?

A: Mr. Brown because he’s taught me the importance of the experience behind things and gaining knowledge. Also Ms. Alley because of yoga and being able to come at peace with yourself.

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Iris Tuminez

Iris Tuminez is a senior at Orem High and is the head of podcasting. She’s been interested in journalism ever since her two older siblings took it. Other hobbies she enjoys include music (she plays violin, guitar, and ukulele), art (especially painting and ceramics), working out and cooking. Fun fact, she was in one youtube video.

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