Trick-or-treating is the annual struggle between quality and quantity. Some children galavant around various neighborhoods looking to obtain the best candy around, while others are looking solely to fill their bags to the brim. It’s a difficult balance, but what if I told you you could do both? This is your guide to the best trick-or-treating experience of your life.

There are many houses that give out good candy, however to engender the ultimate trick-or-treating experience, you need to seek out entire neighborhoods of good candy distributors. So what are they?

To start, Ryder Spotts, a junior at Orem High says, “The neighborhood east of Timpanogos High School has a couple billionaires living there; therefore there are massive amounts of high-quality candy and food.”

Continuing on, the Berkshires, a gated community near University Mall, is known for its distribution of full-size candy bars. Along with the Berkshires, many houses in both neighborhoods surrounding Palisade Park, and along Palisade Drive know how to do Halloween right.

Last, and definitely not least, the neighborhood south of Harmon’s is the Halloween jackpot, according Mr. Sackett. There are copious amounts of food and barrels of candy, all up for grabs.

These are some of the best spots to trick-or-treat. Follow this guide, and this years’ bags will be teeming with the best candy money can buy.


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Gabby Bailey

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