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Teachers are often asked, “Why in the world would you ever want to be a teacher?” and people are correct in assuming that the task of educating students, as well as all of the other responsibilities that comes with, it is difficult.

As teachers play a significant role in educating the upcoming generation, they often have to deal with being under pressure. Among some of their other responsibilities is grading, paperwork, attending meetings, taking criticism or underappreciation with stride, and the tedious task of creating lesson plans. Add being underpaid to the mix and time as an educator can tatter even the most durable spirits.

However, the teachers at Orem High School seem to agree that not all aspects of the job is bad. Brittany Call, a current french and chemistry teacher there said, “I find [teaching] not only fulfilling, but fun.”

Many others agreed with the OHS drama teacher Scott Sackett that “the good moments make it all completely worth it.”

For many successful educators, it is not the pay or the hours that press them on. It’s getting to watch students have those “Ah Ha” moments as the math teacher Shoshauna Jacquart calls them. It’s being able to expand your knowledge while working with all kinds of people. And it’s seeing that your efforts aren’t going to waste.

Or maybe it’s just the summers off!

In the end, what it all comes down to is that, as Mr. Sackett also said, “It’s one of the most rewarding things that anybody could ever do. That also means that it’s one of the hardest,”

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Carly Weiss

Carly Weiss is a senior this year at Orem High. She has loved to write ever since she was a little girl and is so excited to be fulfilling her childhood dream of being a part of OHS journalism!

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