By Brielle Barnes

It’s sometimes hard to relate with teachers. They are definitely older, supposedly wiser, and apparently have life figured out. But when you ask each of them about their own high school experience, most you can relate with…most.

Mr. Wytiaz had an interesting senior year. He says, “during (soccer) practice on the field I died… I had a grand mal seizure, I turned blue, I died.” He described how emergency respondents had to use a automated electronic defibrillator (AED) to bring him back to life. He would later have brain surgery and have to get 38 staples in his head. Let’s just say that the no hats rule at his school was an exception for him.

Teachers high school stories escalate from here. Mr. Wildebore lit his school on fire. It started at a country themed assembly when he and his friends were dressed up as the band Kiss. They had every detail and style of the performance down to a T, but when one of the band mates started the show by blowing fire, he realized he couldn’t put out the flames, so he throw it back stage. “You come out on a rush and everyone stands up and goes crazy, then the next thing you know you’re running off the stage, (to put out the fire) it’s the most embarrassing moment.” Although the crowd loved it, the administration did not. Wildabore got a week suspension.

Mr. Ellingford lived on the wild side as well; he was chased by a gangster down the streets of south central LA, when he was only trying to get some extra credit. But when it comes to embarrassing moments, Mr. Ellingford wins the prize. He and a girl at his school had the same backpack. The girl got a bit confused and took his by mistake to the next class. Mr.Ellingford did not realize this until, “I went to pull out the pencil and pulled out a handful of feminine hygiene products instead.” While his classmates stared and laughed, all he could say was, “Not mine.”

Mr. Sackett was very brave when it came to the ladies. In high school he liked about seven girls, which is fine, but he decided to rank them. “Looking back on that, that was a bad idea,” although he insisted that the girls were fine with it.

Even though these teachers had some outrageous experiences, most teachers we can actually relate with. Miss Call, for example, tripped when she was called to come up to the assembly stage for a soccer reward. “I had to get out and me being short had to jump, and I slipped.” what started out as a recognition turned into public humiliation.

Also, surprise surprise teachers can have fun! Mrs. Packer would throw dance parties. “I would get a little music machine and had a bunch of tapes… and we would dance. It was fun.”

Teachers have obviously been through a lot. Therefore, they all had some advice to give. Mr. Wytiaz was very persistent that all the students go out and date! “Get your math homework done so you have time for dating.”

And most of the other teachers shared similar advice which can be summed up like this: Be kind to people; relationships matter. What matters most is who you become. High school is only once, appreciate it. Don’t grow up fast; live in the moment. High school is one of the greatest times of life, so live it up.

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Brielle Barnes

Brielle Barnes is a student at Orem high school. This is her junior year and she is so excited to be able to write to the world. Some of her hobbies are reading, writing, sports,and playing in the outdoors. She loves to try no thing and be apart of adventures. Her dream job is to some day be a journalist and write about the world while traveling it, so please give her some luck and read her articles.

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