file5011249338919High school is hard. People would like to believe that high school is the best part of a person’s life. They believe that it’s easy and that everything is perfect. The truth is, high school can be one of the hardest times in a person’s life.

Teenagers are faced with a lot of pressure. There is pressure to get good grades and take hard classes. There is pressure to have loads of friends and always be doing something awesome with them. There is pressure to date and have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Along with that there is pressure to go to dances and for girls, to get asked to dances.

It’s hard for these young people to deal with this on a daily basis. Increasingly more obligations are put on us to achieve. It can be unbearable when we get to where we can’t go further, and that we can’t live up to expectations. Then we feel we aren’t good enough and don’t want to try. However, we don’t have the privilege of giving up.

We live in a society where much weight is put on grades and social standing. There are some high school students who receive a B in a class and have feelings of failure because they don’t have a 4.0. Test scores have a huge impact on our future because they can greatly influence the colleges we get into.

Then there is the social aspect. How others perceive us is sometimes more important than how we see ourselves. We worry about what people think if we say or do what they think is weird or wrong. We obsess over the way we look because we want to make a good impression.

Much rides on if you get asked out or who you are asking out. Who, and if, you are dating seems to be one of the only things people care about in high school. Every month there seems to be a new dance to go to and another round of dating roulette, were the winners take the prize, (the dates, boys, or girls), and the losers are left with what seems like nothing.

The girls who don’t get asked to the dances feel horrible. They wonder what is wrong with them. They decide that they are too fat, ugly, or strange, and that’s why no one wanted to go the dance with them.

From the viewpoint of the males, it’s different. They feel overwhelmed and don’t know who to ask, or they have someone in mind, but are afraid they will say no. They are afraid of disapproval and embarrassment.

Everything seems to have an impact on the future, and seems so vitally important that you can’t afford to mess it up. I think everyone needs to take a moment and realize life is going to be okay. Not every little thing that goes wrong will ruin your future, and things will work out. Just take a moment and breathe, then jump back in and relax.

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Britney Call

Britney Call was born in Anaheim California in a hospital across from Disneyland. Her and her family moved to Utah when she was four. She goes to Orem High School as a senior. Her hobbies include sewing, baking, interior design, writing, painting, crafts and photography.

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