Burnout at OHS

Burnout at OHS

You know that feeling when you have absolutely no desire to do any of your schoolwork? An essay that would usually take you a few hours is suddenly taking you days and days to finish. All motivation seems to have just vanished into thin air. Missing school suddenly...

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Tigers, Bruins, & T-Wolves Swimming

Tigers, Bruins, & T-Wolves Swimming

Everyone has a passion, whether it's a musical instrument, singing, acting, sports, or something else. A lot of people join clubs or teams to connect with others that are passionate about the same thing. When things change in a drastic way, like new members, learning...

Living and Dying in the Spotlight

Living and Dying in the Spotlight

Celebrities. We all love and know them. A celebrity's fame is accountable to the things they do that impact others lives in one form or another. We continue to know them because they are in the media, but what about fame after they die? Does their legacy live on? Stan...

Only 3 Home Games For Tiger Football

Only 3 Home Games For Tiger Football

The Orem Tiger Football Team only had three home games this year. This is the only year Orem has not played at least five home regular-season contests since 2013, where they played four home games. While the Tigers are taking on the toughest teams they have ever...

The Phenomenon of TikTok

If you are a student at Orem High (or simply a teenager with a cell phone), chances are you have at least heard of TikTok. Or, maybe, you have downloaded the app and even made a few videos yourself. Whether you are TikTok famous, an amateur, or barely even understand...

The Best Paying Job

The Best Paying Job

Thirty-four percent of high school students work a part time job. In Orem, most jobs pay around $10 an hour, $11 if you’re lucky, and $12 if you’re really special. But how can students earn more than that? Or more broadly, what is the most effective use of a student’s...

OHS Students Assisting in World Change

OHS Students Assisting in World Change

Operation Underground Railroad, or O.U.R., is a worldwide humanitarian association to prevent and bring awareness to child trafficking. Since they started in 2013, O.U.R. has rescued 2,800 victims and helped with the arrests of 1,500 traffickers around the world....