Miley Cyrus in 2012 and now

[/media-credit]Miley Cyrus in 2012 and now

What ever happened to Hannah Montana? Miley Cyrus, having chopped off her hair and transformed her “good girl” image, has recently become one of the most talked about celebrities of the moment. People all over the nation and around the world, including Orem High students, are talking about Miley’s recent behavior.

Since her performance at the 2013 VMAs in August, Miley Cyrus has become the talk of the town, referenced all over the internet and on popular tv shows. Her controversial performance, alongside Robin Thicke, featured Miley, wearing a nude bikini, “twerking” or dancing inappropriately.

According to the LA Times, “Media reaction to Cyrus’ bump-and-grind veered between disgust and sadness.” When asked what she thought about Miley’s VMA performance, Orem High student, Hannah Spencer said “I’ve always liked Miley [but] her VMA performance was ratchet.” Another student said “She has a nasty bum gap.”

Regarding her equally controversial music videos, “I think she’s crazy. All her videos are naked and stuff… but I don’t watch them” said Kip Simonsen, a senior. Her latest video depicts a scantily clad Miley, smoking a cigarette and singing about her affinity for drugs, while the previous one shows her naked and swinging from a wrecking ball.

Other students, however, believe that Miley is making the right decision. Sophomore, Kristin Woolley states, “I think she’s smart because she’s gotten so much publicity for what she has done.” Hannah Spencer agrees, adding “I think it’s good for her. I think she can pull it off.”

Others disagree. Sarah Hamilton, when asked about her opinion of Miley, said, “I think she’s lost her mind.”



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Ceci Salas is a senior at Orem High School. She enjoys sewing, painting, and writing, among other things. Her favorite color is green and she must have music playing at all times.

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