
A teenage boy is trapped in a country full of war and bloodshed. He witnesses the death of family, friends and neighbors, and loses his leg in a bombing. This boy, Ali, from Afghanistan, makes the life-changing decision to embark on the three thousand mile journey to...

Parkland Shooting

Mental health is just as important as physical health. However, because poor physical health is easier to recognize, the educational stress on the subject is much more prominent. On Wednesday, February 14, 17 high school students were shot in Parkland, Florida by...

New Teachers at OHS 2016-17

This year Orem High gets a taste of something new. There are 14 new members of the Orem High School staff for the 2016-17 school year. This includes a new assistant principal, six new P.E. teachers and coaches, two new foreign language teachers, two new English...

Hundreds of Babies Arrive at OHS

Hundreds of Babies Arrive at OHS

The RealCare Baby simulator gives students the opportunity to experience what caring for a baby is really like. The students have to care for the baby’s every need. When the baby cries it needs the student to do one of four things: change it, feed it, burp it, or rock...

Privacy Is The Best Policy

Your parent or legal guardian has the power to exclude you from every yearbook photograph and video coverage this year due to a new privacy policy passed by the state legislature. Here’s how it affects our school: If parent’s sign, the intent is that they do not want...

The Women’s March From the Public Perspective

The Women’s March From the Public Perspective

January 21, 2017 was a monumental day; people throughout the world gathered together to march peacefully. The march became known as the “Women’s March”--although the title is somewhat misleading; the march was not limited to a single cause. As a result, opinions on...

Killers in Utah

Utah is known for its safe communities; in 2015 it was named the ninth safest state by Huffington Post. But despite its sterling reputation, Utah has had several cold blooded killers in it’s history.   The most notorious killer in Utah is Ted Bundy. His reign of...