The Wheelie Chair Experiment

The Wheelie Chair Experiment

Dempsey Emery | The Tiger Times When you enter the writing lab—either for a class or just for fun—where do you sit? Do you sit in the front, or the back? Maybe in that middle row? More importantly, do you sit in a wheelie chair? This may seem like a silly question,...

Rowling with the Punches

With all the fuss over J.K. Rowling’s recent revisions to her classic—and not to mention fabulous—Harry Potter series, people are forgetting about the magic within the memory. Need I remind you that in 1990, five years before most of us high school-ers were born; an...

What happened to Miley?

What happened to Miley?

What ever happened to Hannah Montana? Miley Cyrus, having chopped off her hair and transformed her “good girl” image, has recently become one of the most talked about celebrities of the moment. People all over the nation and around the world, including Orem High...

Cheat or Fail?

Cheat or Fail?

In today’s society many students fear the image of failure. It is no secret among today’s students that cheating is an easy way to avoid being seen as sub par. Between parents, college applications, and the impact from their peers, students try to hold themselves to a...