Coach Steele Receives State Recognition

Coach Steele Receives State Recognition

Mr. Steele, a teacher and past coach at Orem High, is to be inducted into the Utah Wrestling Hall of Fame on November 1. Steele has accomplished much in the world of wrestling.  Between his junior and senior year at Orem High School he placed third in the Junior...

Eating Breakfast Is Often Neglected

Eating Breakfast Is Often Neglected

Here at Orem High, everyone has their own breakfast habits, or the absence of them. “I don’t want to get up earlier to make breakfast,” Rachelle Nelson, a senior at OHS, said in a recent interview. She also said that in the morning she faces “stomach problems”....

Psychology at Orem High

Psychology at Orem High

All over Alpine District, Psychology classes are being taught to students. Psychology helps students learn more about themselves and more about themselves and more about their relationship with others, but there are also reasons why you should not take Psychology....

Satiger: The Fundamentals of Football

Satiger: The Fundamentals of Football

American football is one of America’s most successful televised sports. While it is an enjoyable game, it can be confusing to the untrained eye, therefore, a few key aspects of the sport must be understood before one becomes a football expert. Referees are the men...

Satiger: Evolution of the Dab

Satiger: Evolution of the Dab

Orem High students are addicted to the latest dance-like motion: “the dab.” Dabbing includes bending the arm at the elbow and putting the face in the armpit. “Dab” is an acronym for duck and bam. Students at Orem “dab” for the following reasons. First, it is...

Smiling Is Better Than Money or Chocolate

When asked what percentage of the day she is smiling, OHS senior Megan Jordan said, “Ninety-six percent - I don’t smile when I yawn.” Smiling is universal; it is nature’s natural stress reliever. Psychology Today writer Sarah Stevenson said, “Smiling activates the...

Promposals for Homecoming

Promposals for Homecoming

Homecoming is right around the corner and that means boys have started asking the question, “Will you go to the dance with me?” They do it in such extravagant ways that the effort has been deemed a promposal. However the big gestures are no longer just for prom; they...

Social Engineering

Social Engineering

Hacking is something that people are familiar with in this day and age.  However, Social Social engineering is becoming more and more common in today’s world, but not many people know what it is. It can be thought of as a part of hacking. Cj Cornel, a BYU student...