Friends love taking selfies together.

[/media-credit] Friends love taking selfies together.

High school–along with the homework and actual classes–is a time for friends.  Not everyone has the same type of friends, though.

Some people have a best friend.  Others have a variety of great friends.

Marie Jacobs, a senior in high school, said she would recommend having many good friends, while Melissa Arnoldsen, another senior in high school, said having a best friend works for some, but not for others.

Melissa also said that opening up to get a best friend “is a risk, but it’s worth taking.” A person can talk about anything they need to talk about with a best friend, an obvious benefit in time full of rants and confessions.

Another thing she said was that “at first, it was hard for us to get used to making different friends because we were either jealous or missed each other.” This might not make having a best friend the best option for someone.

Although it may not be the best option for everyone, it has its benefits. Melissa said the best thing about having a best friend is that they “don’t have to be anything but [themselves] around each other.”

Marie said there are a lot of benefits to having multiple good friends. “When you have multiple best friends you can have more varied friend groups,” said Marie. This is one benefit. A good benefit in school when a variety of different classes are taken and not every friend will be in every class.

The best thing about having multiple good friends, Marie said, is that she can do “different types of things with different people.”

Nobody has the same structure in their friend group, but they work for each individual and each have their benefits.

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Alisa Dabb

Alisa is maker of half-baked story ideas and well baked cupcakes. She likes to spend her time in the kitchen, in the library, in the mountains, or in her head.

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