The Google Game Appeal

The Google Game Appeal

Let me set the scene for you - May of 2010, you go to search for something on the web, when you notice the Google logo has been replaced with an interactive remake of Pac Man for the game’s 30th anniversary. This was the first Google game released, which started a...

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Jazz Band

Jazz Band

The lights in the audience go dark, leaving you blinded in the spotlight. The percussion starts beating, your heartbeat echoing in rhythm. You take a deep breath, step up to the microphone, and shut your eyes tightly. You have no script, no safety net. This is your chance to show the crowd how you feel, using nothing more than your fingers, lips, and rhythm.

Sterling Scholar – What do YOU need to know?

Sterling Scholar – What do YOU need to know?

Starting as early as 1960, the acknowledgement for educational excellence has been in full pursuit. As Deseret News states, “If student athletes receive acclaim, why not high school scholars?” and this statement was taken to heart. 53 years later, the program titled “Sterling Scholar” continues to stand as a program of recognition in academic merit.

USU Crying Cheerleader

USU Crying Cheerleader

Orem High Alumni, Ashlyn Whimpey, found her emotions overwhelming her at the end of the USU vs. Mizzou basketball game. Little did she know that her moment of sadness would be broadcasted on national television and lead to it going viral on social media.