Why Trump Won

Why Trump Won

Looking through different news articles, there are many reasons why President Donald Trump won the 2024 election. However, one aspect of the politician’s campaign stands out - it was purely better than the competitor. While how Trump will perform as a president again...

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The Cost of the Pig Skin

“I’ve dislocated my right kneecap multiple times, tore my PCL in my right knee, and jacked up a few of my fingers and wrists here and there,” said Orem High defensive back (#3) Ben Daley. “I missed a week or more [of school] with the dislocations and the torn PCL...

Privacy Is The Best Policy

Your parent or legal guardian has the power to exclude you from every yearbook photograph and video coverage this year due to a new privacy policy passed by the state legislature. Here’s how it affects our school: If parent’s sign, the intent is that they do not want...

The “Hi’s” of Orem High

The “Hi’s” of Orem High

“Hi!” “Hello!” “Hey!” At times, walking through Orem’s school hallways, this is all a student can hear whether it be from a bubbly friend, peer, or a teacher. Each word spoken in these hallways are said for a specific purpose and always contain an aftereffect. The...

Be An Alpha

“If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf.” -Nikita Khrushchev It’s a dog eat dog world, where the strong survive and the weak are devoured. As we begin to pass from our teenage life to adulthood, we discover that the key to endure is following the world’s...

Satiger: The Hunter’s Guide to Halloween

Satiger: The Hunter’s Guide to Halloween

Halloween is a wonderful day filled with fearsome beasts, candy galore, and spooky occurrences. The holiday is festive and fun, plus, it’s a prime time for the hunters of the underworld to gather. See, monsters and beasts aren’t too different from teenagers, but just...

The Women’s March From the Public Perspective

The Women’s March From the Public Perspective

January 21, 2017 was a monumental day; people throughout the world gathered together to march peacefully. The march became known as the “Women’s March”--although the title is somewhat misleading; the march was not limited to a single cause. As a result, opinions on...