Is the ACT Really Necessary?

Junior year is one of the most stressful years of high school, and the ACT test does not help. The ACT test stands for the American College Testing test. Every junior takes the ACT on the respective day that’s added into the school year by the district. This allows...

Guide on OHS Teachers and Classes

As class registration approaches students have one question on their mind, what teacher should I take? A lot is riding on this one decision. All students learn differently. Some do better with hands-on learning, some prefer lectures, some prefer assignments online,...

Orem High’s New Mural

Orem High’s New Mural

The program run by Casey and Dimi places a big emphasis on student involvement, but the mural project at Orem high school was a place where he pushed the boundaries of collaboration. Orem students were involved in every single aspect of the mural from planning to painting.

What is Tennis Really?

What is Tennis Really?

On a crisp fall morning, a tennis player steps onto the court. The player warms up and gets ready to play. The tennis game is not only determined only by what you are seeing during the match, but it is determined by everything that has led up to this match.

Sterling Scholar – What do YOU need to know?

Sterling Scholar – What do YOU need to know?

Starting as early as 1960, the acknowledgement for educational excellence has been in full pursuit. As Deseret News states, “If student athletes receive acclaim, why not high school scholars?” and this statement was taken to heart. 53 years later, the program titled “Sterling Scholar” continues to stand as a program of recognition in academic merit.