Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Looking through different news articles, there are many reasons why President Donald Trump won the 2024 election. However, one aspect of the politician’s campaign stands out – it was purely better than the competitor. While how Trump will perform as a president again is up for debate, it’s fairly easy to see that his political campaign was well thought out and performed, while Kamala Harris’ campaign was burdened by following Joe Biden’s campaign. The fact that she refused to stray from many aspects of Biden’s work put a quick limit on her performance. Many choices she made, such as following Biden’s campaign, focusing on abortion and women’s rights, and attempting to become more transparent to the public ended up working against her. In the long run, these choices shrunk her audience considerably. On the other hand, Trump made decisions that helped him, such as appealing to younger voters by attending podcasts, outsourcing advertisements to supporting organizations, and negative advertising towards Harris’ campaign. These choices all helped him increase his following, which resulted in him winning the 2024 presidential election.

Another big aspect that helped Trump was the simple fact that many Democrats that would’ve voted for Harris if they had to, simply didn’t vote. “Predictions of final turnout are hovering somewhere in the neighborhood 152 million votes. That would be a decrease from the 158 million who voted in 2020 and would be equivalent to about 61 percent of eligible voters. That would be a decline from 66 percent in 2020,” says G. Elliott Morris in an article from ABC news. President Trump has many very dedicated followers, which means that when they’re given the chance to vote, they immediately go to vote for him, a leisure that Harris doesn’t have. It’s considerably harder to get people to vote for you when they don’t care enough to vote at all.

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Arthur Cummins

Arthur Cummins is a music artist, game developer, filmmaker, actor, and journalist. He’s worked on films such as Renaissance Kid, A Haunted House, and The Witnesses. He has over a dozen songs published, 7 of which are part of an album titled “White Yellow”. Overall, he’s just trying to get through life with as much fun as possible.

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