Is the ACT Really Necessary?

Junior year is one of the most stressful years of high school, and the ACT test does not help. The ACT test stands for the American College Testing test. Every junior takes the ACT on the respective day that’s added into the school year by the district. This allows...

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Guide on OHS Teachers and Classes

As class registration approaches students have one question on their mind, what teacher should I take? A lot is riding on this one decision. All students learn differently. Some do better with hands-on learning, some prefer lectures, some prefer assignments online,...

104 days of Summer Vacation, More like 81!

Coming back to school this year made me realize how short summer actually is. I started to ask questions like “why did this past summer feel so short?” and “Has it always been this short or have things changed over the years”. Lots of kids young and old vividly...

Conformity and its effect on students

Conformity and its effect on students

      Conformity and its effect on students    When high school starts we see even more distance between people even though they are doing the same exact thing as each other, just going through the motions. Why does this happen? Why do students start to...

Chiquita Lawsuit – Banana Company or Warlord Clique?

Chiquita Lawsuit – Banana Company or Warlord Clique?

Chiquita Lawsuit - Banana Company or Warlord Clique? By Court Lloyd Chiquita, a well known banana company, is on the losing side of a major lawsuit for financing paramilitary death squads in Colombia. Their dark history is finally catching up with them. The Banana...

The Google Game Appeal

The Google Game Appeal

Let me set the scene for you - May of 2010, you go to search for something on the web, when you notice the Google logo has been replaced with an interactive remake of Pac Man for the game’s 30th anniversary. This was the first Google game released, which started a...

Photo Essay- Pacific Northwest

This collection of film photography was shot on 35mm film in an Agfa camera. The scenery ranges across the Pacific North West in early April of 2024. Photo 1- Waves; Lincoln Beach, Oregon. Frothy waves creep towards the camera.  Photo 2- Forest; Beaver, Oregon. Taken...