Joi Ito

 steve_jobs_and_bill_gates_522695099“The future may very well be unimaginable with our current knowledge,” said Dylan Johnson, a local freelance web-developer, when asked what our future may hold for us.  He thinks that “There are a lot of new ideas coming out.”  

 It is believed across the media that Bill Gates once said, “640 kilobytes (.00064 gigabytes) ought to be enough for everybody.”  Gates denied years later ever having said this, but the principle still remains.  For Gates, (who is often described as a visionary of his time, and largely attributed to the world of technology,) to make such an inaccurate statement means something big.  

An obvious change has occurred since the time of the 640k quote in 1989.  The world now has much faster and more easily accessed information due to the creation of new technology.  Smartphones are a perfect example for this kind of new technology.  People now essentially have computers sitting in their pockets and ready at the touch of a hand.  

The change from 1989 was unpredicted even by a visionary such as Bill Gates. Because of the huge swell in technology since then, it’s hard to imagine what kind of technology is possible to create in the near or distant future.  

An employee of Northstar, a local home security company, said that “It would blow your mind if you could look into the future,” and that “We have no idea what’s in store for us.”  

The world has already taken so many unforeseen leaps in the evolution of technology. As a result, information is already much easier to access than it used to be.  If this trend continues, our future will hold so much more than we can possibly imagine.

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Hank Weiss

Hank is an avid wrestler at Orem High and loves his huge family. He's excited to graduate and move on to bigger and better things. He also loves to argue with everyone.

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