[media-credit name=”Carlymikula -morguefile” align=”alignleft” width=”300″]Carlymikula - morguefile[/media-credit]

December is one of the busiest times of the year for seniors in high school. Between college applications, scholarship applications, and just trying to graduate it is no wonder they are on edge.

This month marked the due dates for many of the most popular universities in Utah. BYU and University of Utah both had priority deadlines on the first. The Utah Regents scholarship application was also due this month.

Marci Candland a senior mentioned how she had revised one college application more than 68 times.

If the anticipation of waiting to get their acceptance letters and emails weren’t enough, they also have to apply for endless scholarships and/or go to work to pay for the colleges they want are hoping to get into.

“I have broken into hives every night,” said one senior.

There are also finals and state tests for many semester classes this month. All of these things can add up stress galore, especially when you take into account the sleep deprivation that is normal for teenagers.

“I don’t even have time to be excited for or enjoy the Christmas season, I’m so busy and stressed. The idea of a decent night of sleep is laughable,” said Marie Jacobs a senior at Orem High School.


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Elaine Monson

I'm just a high school girl trying to get my last English credit.

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